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One stop shop for Personalized Gifts!

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Is this a common sight at your home too that your little one just can’t go to bed until he cuddles his favourite pillow?

Babies or rather kids have the tendency to seek a sleep time comfort touch. Initially, they do that by holding the mother. But gradually, they begin to feel too much warmth from the Mother’s body and hence. Switch to a pillow or a cushion. Well, that’s not a reason to worry Mommies, rather, it is time you make the favourite pillow even more exciting for your tiny one. How? Personalise it. Here’s why personalised kids’ pillows are so much fun:

1.Personalised Pillow Lifts Up the Swag Quotient

Carrying a favourite pillow is common for kids. But imagine if it reads out your kid’s name. He would take an extra ordinary pride in holding that pillow because it has his name’s label. You would not be able to witness this magic until you own one. Don’t be surprised if you see them in your travel bag each time your go outstation with your little one.

2.Personalised Kids Pillow Add Beauty to your Room

You can choose a design that complements your bedroom’s theme and add to the aesthetics. Every eye will stop at the beautiful personalised pillow the moment you enter. Every visitor at your house would be intrigued to know your little one has a special pillow – which reads his name and reads it endlessly!

3.Making your Baby Sleep Gets Easier

Putting your little one to sleep, especially when it is really needed, can be so tough often. While some of them would just not turn to the bed, others would not even turn to the bedroom. But when you remind them of the pillow, you will see them rushing to the bed ?

4.Personalised Pillow Turned Best Friend Turned Mom’s Cannon

A personalised pillow will soon become your baby’s best friend, you’d see once you own one. Each time your little one crosses the line and you are unable to control a bad behaviour, the “best friend” can be your cannon to set a good example. You can always take the pillow’s name to say he is good boy or good girl—and you must learn from your friend. This cannon works, believe us 😀

  1. A ValuableGift that Will Prove your Creativity as Parent

While all parents equally love living their special moments with their kids, some appear more creative than others. When you add elements of surprise and gifting for your little one, the joy doubles up for all of you. Gifts such as a personalised pillow that bring a real value for money and add to baby swag always speak volumes of your creativity as parents.

Summing Up

The touch of personalisation can convert an ordinary gift into an extra ordinary article. When it is a pillow, the magic is doubled. Try it and relish it!

Personalized Steel Tiffins- Photo 7A kid, whether a newborn or a grown up, is always a bundle of joy, you’d agree!
Buying a special gift for them adds up to this joy for both, the buyers as well as
the little ones and their families. In India, in fact, it has now become a practice
or rather, a culture to carry special gifts for kids each time you visit your
relatives or friends or even colleagues.
However, buying a gift for the one you love and value so much, isn’t an easy
undertaking at all. When you are buying something for your best friend’s
newborn baby, for instance, you would like to get the best gift for her. But then,
what do you pick? Out of the mundane items like baby care kit or towel or
wraps etc? You might even end up buying a premium quality product but it
soon becomes one of the huge piles your friend has been storing in her baby’s
almirah– full of gifts.
Take another example: You need to buy something for your five-year-old
nephew. By now, he is neither too small to curiously accept everything packed
in a box, nor too grown up to love receiving a “useful” item from you –
regardless of all the logic you or his parents see in it. This might would leave you
even more confused as you want to buy something that appeals to your darling nephew, while also proving a great product value at the same time. But then,
how does your gift score over all others which his parents have been buying him
all this while?
Tall task, huh? Don’t worry. Here’s an amazing solution to transform your
simple gifts into the most unique ones. You need to gear up to soon win the tag
of the special Aunt or special Uncle for you will be remembered for the fantastic
gifts you will always buying for the babies and kids in your community.

A Personalized Gift is Worth a Thousand Regular Products

Your perplexity in choosing the perfect gift for the little ones around you is over.
You’ll be glad to learn about the concept of personalized gifts for kids. These
personalized, customized, handmade, kids’ products that range from small
regular items like Personalized Pillows, Magic pillows, sequin pillows, Personalized tiffins, personalized bottles, beddings or personalized photoframes – pump life into even the most commonplace product you buy.

If you are a parent already, or atleast have seen a little one growing up around
you, you will know how rewarding it is for a parent to see his or her baby’s
name inscribed on a product of use, such as a pillow, or bed every morning or
before going to bed.
Also, the customizations that involve inscription of baby or kid’s images on the
products is equally heart-winning.

These customizations are, however, not just confined to cheer up the parents.
Your baby grows up reading the messages you leave for him. Someday, he will
be able to even understand the meaning behind the message.
Imagine, how lovely would it be to say “Olivia, if you want to know how much
we love you, count all the stars in the sky” rather than simply saying it without
the name: “If you want to know how much we love you, count all the stars in
the sky.”

Every morning, your nephew will also proudly read out his name by looking
again and again at his beautiful name banner hung right above his study table in
his room, and gladly drag all his friends and guests to his room to flaunt it. Isn’t
that something that thrills you when you think of buying a gift for kiddos in your
family and friends’ group, the next time?

There are a plenty of options to choose from when you get a customised
product or personalised gift for kids. You can find a range of products here. You
can either choose a product from the gallery directly and share details for
customization or ask us for ideas.

The only thing imperative here is you start planning a bit in advance to allow
maximum time to craft the best personalised, customised gifts for kids you love!

5 Dead Simple Reasons Kids Love Personalized Gifts More than the Regular Ones

The little ones these days are smarter than we think. They understand human emotions relatively better than the millennials in their toddlerhood, and identify special affection and attention quite easily. So, do you think buying a gift for them remains as simple as it did, in the past decade? You’ve got it right. The answer is simply No!

Further, as accessibility and affordability grow, parents of little ones rarely expect people to gift them the basic things of need for the babies and kids. They already have them plenty. But would that mean, you should no longer buy goodies, stationaries or wraps or even towels etc for the darling kiddos in your community? Well, the answer lies in optimizing these gifts with a stamp of the undying love and an ultimate bond you share with the little ones. The stamp, as well call it, is personalization in gifts. You can explore options of personalized gifts here.

So, here’s detailing why should you prefer personalised gifts over the ordinary ones, especially, for kids:

#1 Your Gift Becomes Unique:

Pick up a simple premier quality sipper for a little one you are going to meet soon.  Regardless of how much money you would spend on it provided its quality and safety to use, you cannot expect the kid to see through that value with the same eyes. It becomes one of the things for her. But imagine how a stamp of her name inscribed on this same bottle will turn events. She would let everyone in the house know the sipper belongs to her.

#2 Personalised Gift is Epitome of Affection:

We all understand that love and affection are intangible. Yet, we try to convey them right to others by ways of expressions, deeds and actions. Gifts prove to be a great channel to convey this beautiful emotion of love, you would agree. A personalised gift, thus, supersedes all other things of value you would gift to the baby or kid in your family. A name banner that loudly reads out his name or a toy box that belongs to him, simply since it bears his name, would always stand a greater preference among gifts.

#3 The GiftBrings Out Creativity and Thoughtfulness:

Deriving straight out of the point on affection, a personalised gift powerfully conveys how much thought you have invested in selecting it for the loved ones. The gift says it all and you need not utter a word supporting your hard work in finding the right fit for the kid. This thoughtfulness would always win you a special place in the hearts of both – the kid as well as the parents.

#4 Personalised Gifts Allow More Customization:

Since a personalised gift is always carved out individually to match your needs, it allows a greater degree of customization to you. Right from picking the colour and quality of the product, you get the option to choose the designs too. In fact, some vendors offer some unique set of products for you to choose from and tailor-make them to build the perfect gift for your baby.

#5 Your Gift Proves Longer Shelf Life and Real Value for Money:

By adding personalisation in a simple product, you add life to it. This product now has an identity and retention. In fact, it becomes a memorable gift forever. While the kid would love to use it more given his sense of belongingness with that product, you find a real value for the money and time you invested in bringing it to him!

Summing Up

A personalised gift has to potential to pump life into an ordinary product. Simply as a name adds identity to a kid or a baby out of hundreds in a hospital’s new born nursery, a personalised message or stamping of name etc transform a simple product into a unique one. You need to decide which one belongs to you.